7 Things That Can Lead to Homebuyer’s Remorse

7 Things That Can Lead to Homebuyer’s Remorse

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Most people know exactly what they are looking for when they buy a house, or at least they think they do. There are many features that sound nice and like something you would want until you have them. Enter homebuyer’s remorse.

To make sure you don’t end up with homebuyer’s remorse consider these 7 thoughts before buying a house.

  1. Bigger isn’t Always Better

A large house might sound nice, but instead of just paying attention to square footage, really think about the space. Extra bedrooms can seem like a good thing, but many times they become unused rooms that store junk you don’t need.

Make sure that the rooms in the house can work for you and what you are looking for in a home. And, don’t forget the more rooms you have, the more furniture you need to buy.

  1. Is an Addition Possible?

A small house might seem like a good idea at the time, but you never know what the future might hold. If your family grows through the addition of children or the need to care for an aging parent, you might find yourself wanting more room.

Choosing a house that can be added on to is a great option that you won’t regret.

  1. Stairs

Multi-level houses can be both a blessing and a curse. Before you buy a house that has more than one story consider what you will be doing on each level.

If the house has a laundry room that is located in the basement you may quickly grow tired of going up one or two flights of stairs with a basket of laundry. If you are looking to buy a forever home, you might not want to spend your retirement years climbing up the stairs to your bedroom every day.

Or, the first floor master might seem like a great idea until you have your first baby and have to go up and down the stairs multiple times at night to get to your crying infant.

  1. Does the Island Work For You?

Buyers love the idea of a kitchen island, and while they may look great, not all islands are functional. If the island breaks up your natural triangle (lines from the sink, refrigerator, and stove) you may find yourself hating the island soon after you move in.

When you are looking at each home, walk through the kitchen the way you would if you were in the process of cooking or baking.

  1. Was it Remodeled?

If an older home was renovated to have a more modern look there is a chance that something was removed that you might wish you had.

For example, many times when a house is being updated to give a bathroom a bigger feel or better flow the bathtub will be removed. The new shower probably looks great, but what happens when you decide you want to soak in a tub?

  1. How Much Work is the Pool?

A beautiful pool in the backyard looks enticing, but are you ready and willing to do the work necessary to keep it looking that way? Pools are not only time consuming, but they are also expensive to maintain.

  1. Is it Timeless?

Houses that are built and designed on current trends look great right now, but will you feel the same way in five years?

For example, the farmhouse look has hit a trend and many people have added an accent pallet wall in their house. How much work will that be for you to undo when you are ready to sell and it is no longer the style people are looking for?

Purchasing a home is a big decision. Carefully consider the features of your home so you don’t end up with homebuyer’s remorse. Make sure you pick a house you will love now and in the future.

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